And, listening in, I’m all, “Yeah, that’s kinda true.”
But then this morning I had a revelation, and now I’m all… “You know what? Maybe there is one way they could know. A simple drill can prepare our friends for what is down the road! And I bet we could break it into 25 easy-to-do steps!”
So, my friend, here it is.
You can run through this exercise on any given day (although for the sake of gaining the realest experience, I suggest a weekday, since that is when most humans are expected to be productive), and you only need a few things!
The downside? It’s gonna kinda suck.
The upside? You will soon understand why the friend you used to know is now a crusty, exhausted, seemingly-lobotomized version of her former self.
So—for women who hope to be moms someday; for pregnant women who are going to be moms soon; or for that childless friend who is always asking why you’re late for LITERALLY EVERYTHING EVERY DAY—just send them this and they will get it! Like, a smidge.
And, congratulations! You have survived Part One of Typical Mom Day Training! 3 hours down, infinity beautiful/crazy hours to go.
I’ll put on another pot of coffee for you.
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