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After battling infertility to finally have her two daughters, Kelly ended up with a host of medical issues that drove her to research what it was she was putting onto her body when it came to personal care products. A deep dive into the benefits of beneficial bacteria led her to develop and found Aleavia skincare, which is a prebiotic skin care product line.

January 30, 2019

Episode 5: Infertility, Natural Health, Prebiotics and Entrepreneurship with Kelly Graham of Aleavia Skin Care

After all that “sparking joy” analysis with the KonMari Method, chances are you are ready to enjoy your freshly-decluttered space. I know I am! Sre you ready for the After Pictures?

January 30, 2019

Marie Kondo Closet Makeover (Part Two)

I’m no math genius, but if I had to guess, I make somewhere between 356,712 and 554,925 decisions per day as a mom. And when it comes to school mornings, let’s just say I’m in need of any simplifying tips I can get.

January 28, 2019

This One Tip Makes Our School Mornings So Much Easier

I am one of those people who, when the mood strikes to do something, must do it. Like NOW. This goes for many things–writing; eating leftover Publix birthday cake straight out of the fridge; and apparently decluttering and organizing. So a couple weeks ago I did what everyone else in America is doing right now–I went straight up Marie Kondo on my closet.

January 23, 2019

I Marie Kondo’ed my Closet and This is What Happened (Part One)

When tragedies strike or scandals occur, Sara Brady is right next to her clients, guiding and guarding them. And sometimes, she’s even protecting them from swarming media.

January 23, 2019

Episode 4: PR Expert Sara Brady Solves Everyone’s Problems (and Has Advice for How to Deal with Crises in Your Life, Too)

Raising kids is tough. Like, way tough. These resources on gentle parenting have troves of practical advice as well as inspiration to get you through the early days of motherhood (mostly) sane.

January 22, 2019

These Resources Inspire Gentle Parenting… and Keep You Sane

When you have young kids, you learn to work as a team. One partner usually ends up being better at, say, getting the kids to bed; and the other ends up being better at, say, getting up at the crack of dawn with them. I fall into the former category.

January 18, 2019

Cozy Up, California-Style

Ten years ago, Lisa started losing her peripheral vision in her left eye. A visit to the doctor confirmed her worst fears: She had a brain tumor. Her doctor’s advice? Spend as much time as you can with your young kids, and hope for the best.

January 16, 2019

Episode 3: Facing Health Challenges, the Rise of Clean Beauty and Finding Purpose & Passion in Life

Okay so I feel mildly hypocritical doing a post about working out now that I just housed a slice of Publix birthday cake from my son’s party last night (#sorrynotsorry)…

January 16, 2019

The Best Workout for Pregnancy and New Moms

If there is one guaranteed way to make my kids stop in their tracks–whatever they’re doing, however far from me, in whatever location in the entire Milky Way–and find their way to me to demand my immediate attention, it is to have me sit down and attempt to work. So when one has to be productive in short, intense bursts, you’ve got to make your workspace just right.

January 15, 2019

My Workspace Essentials