Quick: What’s the one thing you should do when you feel like your plate is so full that it’s actually spilling over to the edge, sort of smeared and smashed onto the countertop, and piling up in little bits onto the floor below?
There are so many benefits to this powerhouse ingredient, so I’ve broken down the basics for you. And of course I’ll be sharing some of my favorite products that include this star ingredient too.
Aaah. The Birth Plan. I admittedly have a complex relationship with this whole concept, given that my first birth plan would have been better used as bird cage lining than anything resembling an actual, it-will-happen-this-way “Plan.”
Remember that TV show “Kids Say the Darndest Things?” It was such a wild success because there has never been a truer statement about raising children.
I think this is the best time of year for shopping. You can still get away with wearing some of your summer pieces, layered with other items to keep you warm when there’s a chill in the air.