It’s always fun to do things you’ve never done before, especially in your own hometown. I’ve done just about everything there is to do that tourist-y and fun in Pittsburgh, having been born and raised there, but there apparently was one fun thing that I missed in my 28 years there…
If you were to go through my closet, you’ll notice a theme (you know, besides the abundance of stretchy materials)–lots of loose shirts meant to be paired with skinny jeans. I found this one on Nordstrom and loved the whimsical look of it right away.
I put this list together as a reminder that there’s no need to shop for separate products when items you already have in your drawer can fit the bill. Here are five things I always use in multiple ways!
Get ready to pretend gasp: The Miss America Organization has banned the swimsuit competition from its pageants. (You’ve heard this by now. This is your cue to act surprised/impressed/encouraged about the general direction of our society.)
One time, long long ago, in the terrible, horrible wasteland called High School, a girl named Sonni boarded a school bus, giddy with the anticipation of arriving home after a long day in the classroom.
(*usually). Sometimes you get the crazy idea in your head that it is, in fact, possible to put on a full face of makeup with three young kids in the house. And then, you realize that you are a fool. A complete and utter fool.
So you may have seen it on my stories if you follow me on Instagram, but we went to the Indianapolis 500 with some family this past weekend, and I think I’m just now getting back on track with sleep and our schedules since getting home early Monday morning.
Wake up; make beds; make breakfast; feed kids; run away to my closet for 45 seconds to put on outfit; run back out when a kid screams; run back into closet to finish getting dressed.
I distinctly remember the arrival of spring up North, not so much for the look or even feel of the changed weather, but because of the smell of it…a mix of fresh grass and baseball infield dirt and the explosion of six–no, nine–months’-worth of kids’ pent-up craziness.