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By all accounts, this is one of those big moments in a family’s timeline. And yes, we are all very excited about this. The newness! The extra space! The dedicated play room that–say it with me now, HALLELUJAH–actually holds all of the kids’ crap!

May 7, 2018

These Four Walls

Want to dig back into the Never-Thought-You’d-Wear-It-Again-But-It’s-Actually-Kinda-Cute Files? Then I have the perfect pair of jeans for you!

May 4, 2018

The Style Project: Cropped and Frayed Jeans

How sweet is this? I would love glancing down at my hand and remembering my favorite job in the world.

May 3, 2018

Because Come on, Admit It… She’s Your Favorite Parent: Mother’s Day Gift Guide 2018!

Okay Guys, are we at the point yet where you hate me for talking all about the craziness of motherhood?

May 1, 2018

Let Me See Your Halo (Or, Products to Treat Your Scalp Right!)

Want to know what we’ve been up to for the past, oh, I don’t know, 15-thousand hours? Packing. Okay, maybe it’s technically not been that long, but it sure does feel like that.

April 30, 2018

The Longest Move

On the spectrum of colors I would naturally gravitate toward in my wardrobe, orange typically wouldn’t register anywhere. It’s one of those colors that you can’t help but get happy looking at, and when I saw this dress on Nordstrom’s website recently, I couldn’t resist!

April 26, 2018

Orange Mini Dress

In my quest for healthier living, I’ve made some changes to my health and wellness routines at home that I’d love to share. These three simple swaps will rid your routine of unnecessary toxins, all while keeping your health and hygiene intact!

April 24, 2018

3 Simple Wellness Swaps

What no one tells you about motherhood is just how very not glamorous it is. Motherhood is lots of great things, but it’s also all of this aforementioned crap (literally), and more.

April 23, 2018

Just Here to Remind You That You are the Sh**

There’s nothing like a cute blazer to dress up an outfit and instantly pull you together. I love this one by Chriselle x JOA because it’s classic black and white (with some gorgeous gold button details!), but it would also pair well with just about any color if you want to punch it up a bit.

April 19, 2018

Chriselle x JOA Blazer

If you’ve been lurking around this site for a while–first, thank you! (and HELLO!)–you know that I generally trend toward “safer” beauty products when it comes to what I use and recommend.

April 18, 2018

Beautycounter + Me