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Even though I’ve been off the market for a while when it comes to guys (hi, honey), I have been hitting the streets hard trying to find a natural deodorant that actually works. And you know what? I am here to tell you that the Promised Land exists, because sister friend, I HAVE FOUND IT.

March 27, 2018

This is the Next Beauty Trend to Hop On (and It’s Good for You Too!)

Imagine the feeling of stripping down naked and plunging into an ice cold pool of water. That complete shock you feel? That’s new motherhood.

March 26, 2018

The Next Wave of Postpartum Care Keeps Baby Close to Mom

I don’t take advantage of ALL CAPS YELLING in my blog posts too often, but in this case it is warranted. GO TO TARGET RIGHT NOW AND CHECK OUT THIS LINE OF DENIM, SHIRTS AND ACCESSORIES.

March 22, 2018

The Perfect Jeans are Also Under $30 (!!!)

In that way, exfoliating your skin is like cracking an egg. (Except, you know, without the whole mess all over your kitchen and those tiny shards of shell that insist on lodging themselves into your pancake batter no matter how long you fish after them with your spoon.)

March 19, 2018

What You Need to Know About Exfoliation

If there were someone out there looking for the next Big Idea, I’m going to lay it out for you right here—an alarm clock where the music and/or beep is replaced with a baby’s screams.

March 19, 2018

Ring the Alarm

I realize that my impatience about the arrival of spring really speaks to my general wimpyness, given that I live in a state that dips below 60 degrees for a total of maaaybe 15 days a year. But what can I say? I have grown to prefer sweating over goose bumps.

March 16, 2018

Get This: A Midi Dress for Spring

Let me start off this post by saying, I hate that I have to even write this. A parent’s nightmare, hands-down, is the though of something bad happening to your children.

March 14, 2018

Here’s How to Talk to Your Young Child About School Shootings

It’s the trend that’s been sweeping all the natural health corners of the web for years now, and guess who’s now on board in a big way with oil pulling?

March 13, 2018

Why I Oil Pull

We start movements. We start baths. We get our minds so set on something that it would take an act of God to vaporize our passion. (You tell us we’re stubborn; we say it’s strong.)

March 8, 2018

To the Magical Women

I’m reaching a little here, but for this week’s edition of The Style Project, I’m going to start out by asking a non-ironic question: Remember when Levi’s jeans were cool the first time around?

March 7, 2018

Buy These Jeans for Spring