You are reading the words of the world’s biggest fan of stretchy pants. You may think this title belongs to you, but I promise, there is no person in the world as avid a fan of sweatpants as I.
I was sitting down to do a makeup tutorial video the other day in front of my (relatively) new Riki Skinny makeup mirror, and it occurred to me that this is one purchase that I feel like I’m getting great mileage out of.
You all know I love a good skin care product, and I’m only half ashamed of myself to say that I will buy about ten products before settling on one that I deem good…
It hit me as I surveyed the family room one night recently, standing smack in the center of the same three-foot radius where 75% of any given day revolves—the kitchen sink.
While the aspiring minimalist in me cringes at the potential for all the clutter that Black Friday brings, the red-blooded American consumer in me gets kinda giddy.
Happy Thanksgiving, guys! Are you somewhere between the first and eleventh course yet? Or have I caught you before your meal, while all your nieces and nephews are tearing your house to shreds and you’re furiously whipping the mashed potatoes?
I found myself asking the question out loud the other day, “How old is too old to wear a graphic tee?” I never actually came up with an answer because the truth is, no matter the answer, I’m kind of in love with them.