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Yes, I’m that weirdo you see at Starbucks talking to her phone and saying things like, “I’ll call you right back, semicolon. I’m holding the baby, period. See you soon, exclamation point!”

July 18, 2017

How Do You Work Best?

There are lots of things that I had to adjust to when I moved from Pittsburgh to Florida.

July 16, 2017

Soaking in the Sun with Ottica

You need a daycation. Since Webster’s hasn’t yet technically agreed that this is a word, allow me to define it for you: Heaven.

July 13, 2017

The Four Seasons Daycation Experience, AKA Heaven

You know the one thing that’s harder to do than sleep when you have kids?

July 13, 2017

5 Tips from a Professional Organizer to Tackle “Kid Clutter”

I spent the morning in Target (because it is a day ending in “y,” and also #summertime, and #3kidsunder4), and a funny thing occurred to me, as I swept past the toy section with my three kids–desperately trying, and failing, to distract them from the sea of plastic we were passing.One preternaturally calm mama-of-two was […]

July 12, 2017

Hey Target Mom, You’re the Bomb

Nullam cursus lacinia erat. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Fusce convallis metus id felis luctus adipiscing. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. Quisque id mi. Ut tincidunt tincidunt erat. Etiam feugiat lorem non metus. Vestibulum dapibus nunc ac augue.Curabitur vestibulum aliquam leo. Praesent egestas neque […]

July 11, 2017

Minimal Photo Frame Decoration

I had a post all planned and ready to go up today, and then my friend Nicole dropped off the most amazing biscotti on my front porch (because Italians do awesome things like drop off delicious homemade food to your doorstep, unsolicited), and it threw the most delicious and crunchy wrench into my plans to post about something else–something that’s not nearly as awesome as homemade desserts.

July 10, 2017

The Very Best Biscotti Recipe (from a Real Italian)

Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac placerat dolor lectus quis orci. Phasellus consectetuer vestibulum elit.Aenean tellus metus, bibendum sed, posuere ac, mattis non, nunc. […]

July 10, 2017

Technopolymer Chair Design

I remember being young and swimming with my mom at the pool, and every time we went into the pool she would insist on keeping her head out of the water and her hair dry. I also remember thinking, How lame.

July 9, 2017

Haircare Hacks for Healthier Locks

One of the sweetest ways to welcome a new baby is with a gorgeous birth announcement. Sure, you can announce your little one’s arrival on social media, but there’s something about holding a picture in your hand that makes it that much better. (Plus, last I checked you can’t put a Facebook photo on a magnet […]

July 6, 2017

The Chicest Way to Welcome Baby