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Our new bundle isn’t here yet (7 weeks to go!), but I’m already getting ready for those first couple months at home when we will be hunkering down, doing nothing but chilling out and sleeping.

March 31, 2017

My Newborn & Baby Essentials

They sit there on my nightstand, stacked eight high, their spines decorated with pastel flourishes and encouraging titles. They are the Leaning Tower of Promise. A promise I never tapped into. Yeah, I’m kinda stupid like that.

March 29, 2017

What Sleep Training Taught Me

I love being able to share with you all the big milestones in my life. It’s not my style to shy away from uncomfortable or personal topics, and I love hearing from all of you about everything from motherhood to fashion and beauty products, the work/life “balance” (quotation marks because HELLO, you big lie of a phrase!), and all the other changes and transitions that life doles out.

March 29, 2017

One Brick at a Time

As if pushing a tiny person out of a small part of your body weren’t task enough, mentally preparing for labor alone can also be quite a chore.

March 28, 2017

Could the Rules of Labor Be Changing?

I was 7 or 8 years old, walking circles through the handbag section of TJ Maxx, desperately searching for my mom, when to my relief, I finally heard her calling for me just a few racks away.

March 27, 2017

The Great Name Debate

There are few things that humble a woman like going through a pregnancy. The physical changes alone are enough to stilt the swagger of even the most confident of women.

March 24, 2017

The Home Stretch

It was as I was walking The Green Mile toward the scale at my 31-week appointment that I considered, briefly, tearing off my sneakers to knock off a few pounds from the final tally.

March 23, 2017

Belly at the Barre (3)

It’s a teardrop-shaped applicator made of antimicrobial silicone that can we wiped clean (no soaps necessary) for daily use, and you can use it not only for liquid foundation application, but also for liquid blushes, bronzers and even lipsticks.

March 21, 2017

The Coolest Makeup Applicator You Haven’t Heard About: The Makeup Drop Review

Since buying our first swaggin’ wagon, I have come to realize something: There are two types of people in this world—people who care what you think about their car, and people who get minivans. I am the latter.

March 20, 2017

Hell Yeah I Bought a Minivan

I spent part of the afternoon at The Makeup Show Orlando today, and got a sneak peek at some new Make Up For Ever products that will be debuting soon! They’re part of MUFE’s HD makeup collection, and anyone who has used this line before, you have to check this out!

March 19, 2017

NEW Make Up For Ever Releases! (Also, Meet My New Best Friend)