In ut quam vitae odio lacinia tincidunt. Praesent ut ligula non mi varius sagittis. Cras sagittis. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Cras non dolor. Vivamus in erat ut urna cursus vestibulum. Fusce commodo aliquam arcu. Nam commodo suscipit quam. Quisque id odio.Praesent venenatis metus at tortor pulvinar varius. Lorem […]
See that picture? That was my darling little daughter, three times, last night. Two of the three beds in our house have been christened, we had to do a 4am bubble bath to get the vomit out of her hair (hope you’re not eating breakfast!) and I woke up to three fragrant piles of dirty laundry to wash.
The closest I ever got to being in jail was, well, being in a jail. The Allegheny County Jail, to be exact, in Pittsburgh. In seventh grade, on a field trip for MADD. All it took was one look at the toilet in the corner of the shared cell to convince me that the slammer was not the place for me.