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Be kind, you guys, because this is my first self-shot video, and first review. I know, I know, #oldlady. But I just got The Review box by Byrdie, and I wanted to show you all why I thought it was such a great value! Check it out and let me know your thoughts!

December 30, 2016

Video: Beauty Box Review! “The Review,” by Birdie ROCKS

One of the small but not insignificant pleasures of having a daughter is forcing her to share your style, at least for a few years. 😛

December 30, 2016

On Fridays We #Twin

Don’t get me wrong. I love the holiday season–the spirit and festiveness. I love the coziness of curling up on the couch as our Christmas tree glows in the corner, and everything about putting up the decorations for Christmas gets me in a great mood.

December 28, 2016

The Post-Christmas Purge

Today on the blog I wanted to talk about The Rules for skin care during pregnancy. We have to avoid lots of things, but there are lots of other affordable products out there, too, that can keep skin care woes that are unique to pregnancy at bay.

December 27, 2016

Pregnancy Skin Care 101

Hey guys! What a long and fun week it’s been! I hope all of you had the opportunity to spend some time with loved ones this week for the holiday.

December 25, 2016

Week in Pictures, Christmas Edition!

Let me start this post off by making an admission. Well, actually two. First, the featured image on this post is my top drawer. It’s disgusting and I’m #sorrynotsorry.

December 21, 2016

Beauty VIPs, Skincare Edition!

You’ve probably noticed I talk a lot about being a new mom on this blog. The short reason for why this topic is so important to me—aside, of course, from the fact that, like most moms, I adore my kids—is that I am so passionate about being real about the experience of being a new mom, because it is HARD.

December 20, 2016

This Mom’s Story Will Break Your Heart but You Have to Read It

Hey guys! Hope you all are taking time to relax now that the weekend is here. Just a peek into what we did this past (busy) week!        See you all soon!

December 17, 2016

The Week in Pictures!

The holidays are synonymous with decadent food, and what’s more decadent than a delicious Christmas cookie, or maybe ten?

December 16, 2016

Chocolatey Christmas Goodness

So often we put pressure on ourselves as mothers to do and be it all, often times all at once, and ultimately to our own detriment.

December 15, 2016

Elf it.