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As soon as I found out I was having a little girl people prepared me for how different they are from boys.

December 9, 2015

Bossy Girls

I am a detail freak. Let me correct that. I WAS a detail freak, until I had kids and realized any semblance of control I ever thought I possessed was a farce. No Tooth Fairy, no Easter Bunny, no Control. (That howling wind sound you hear is the Universe laughing.)

December 8, 2015

From Little to Big Things

I remember strolling bleary-eyed through the aisles of Publix shortly after I had Sammy, and a stranger just blurted that out to me. It took me a second in my sleep-deprived state to grasp its meaning.

November 30, 2015

Don’t Blink. Pass it on.

It used to be that Friday the 13th was a day of folkloric caution. Don’t walk under a ladder! Steer clear of the black cats! Don’t step on a crack! Never again will it be that innocent. As I—and many of you—tried to process what happened last Friday night, these kinds of thoughts dominated my […]

November 15, 2015

Vive l’amour

Like the dark wood leaf table, the frayed black-and-white photos of relatives long gone and the bottles of Manischewitz lined up in the bar, it was always there in my Pap and Gram’s dining room, leaning against the corner.

October 27, 2015

Boys Being “Boys”

I haven’t checked my mail yet today, but I’m pretty sure when I get it, my Mother of the Year certificate will be there waiting. Sarcasm. See that picture? That is a wet shoe, drying in the sun.

October 12, 2015

On Parenting and Pee

Thank you for the sweet giggles and the slobbery kisses. Thank you for always sharing your half-chewed food with me from your high chair. Thank you for your sassiness and your grumpiness and for always reminding your older brother that just because he’s a boy and he’s bigger than you, it doesn’t always mean he’s in charge. (A good lesson to hold onto for later in life, too, actually.)

October 6, 2015

On Your First Birthday, Sweet Daughter

In the short 36 or so hours since it happened, many words have been written about the Oregon shooting. Nine beautiful spirits shuttered because of one man. And no, I won’t say the shooter’s name. I hope you won’t either.

October 2, 2015

When Words Don’t Feel Good Enough

Today is One of Those Days.You know what I’m talking about. Have you had one lately?Up ALLLL night with a sick baby. Exhausted all morning. Dirty dishes crowding the sink. A toddler who very loudly decided he did NOT want to go to swim lessons this morning. A baby–dripping snot–who was literally attached to my […]

September 24, 2015

No Glamour to See Here

No matter how fast I walked the streets near campus on the evening of 9/11/01, the fear followed. And I’m a fast walker.

September 11, 2015

The Day That Changed Us