It used to be that Friday the 13th was a day of folkloric caution. Don’t walk under a ladder! Steer clear of the black cats! Don’t step on a crack! Never again will it be that innocent. As I—and many of you—tried to process what happened last Friday night, these kinds of thoughts dominated my […]
Thank you for the sweet giggles and the slobbery kisses. Thank you for always sharing your half-chewed food with me from your high chair. Thank you for your sassiness and your grumpiness and for always reminding your older brother that just because he’s a boy and he’s bigger than you, it doesn’t always mean he’s in charge. (A good lesson to hold onto for later in life, too, actually.)
Today is One of Those Days.You know what I’m talking about. Have you had one lately?Up ALLLL night with a sick baby. Exhausted all morning. Dirty dishes crowding the sink. A toddler who very loudly decided he did NOT want to go to swim lessons this morning. A baby–dripping snot–who was literally attached to my […]