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Yes, I may or may have so many beauty products that I’m being considered for the next episode of Hoarders, but that doesn’t mean that you need a lot to get great skin.In fact, sometimes it’s about what you’re not doing to your skin that can make it that much healthier!On that note, here are two simple things you can do to switch up your skin care routine, and get better results, quicker.
Ready to get serious about good skin? Pick an active!
When it comes to quick results (and who doesn’t love a quick result), you’ve gotta call in the big guns. And the ones loved by skincare experts and skincare fans alike are Vitamin A-based products–Retin A and over-the-counter retinols–and acids, whether they be AHAs or BHAs.
Are you sick of me talking about how much retinols matter yet? Because… can’t stop won’t stop. This ingredient is the gold standard when it comes to keeping skin fresher and younger-looking.Couple things: Don’t touch this ingredient if you’re pregnant or nursing. Also, you can totally find one that fits into your price point no matter what it is. So no worries if that’s a concern. I’m going to link some of my favorites at the bottom of this post.
The pores on my cheeks are my trouble spot. It’s been such a challenge for me–especially since I worked for so long in TV and wore about 15-thousand layers of makeup daily–to keep that part of my face clean and clear. So I’m always on the lookout for products that can draw out that nasty gunk.Salicylic acid, an ingredient often included in the umbrella term of “BHA” (which stands for beta hydroxy acids), is the best product for unclogging pores, while AHAs, or alpha hydroxy acids, help with overall exfoliation of the skin.This article on Paula’s Choice does a great job of explaining the difference, so make sure to check it out. I’m stealing two lines to summarize if you don’t want to read the whole thing:
BHA has been my savior in this regard. It’s legitimately the only ingredient that has helped to keep my pores clean. I’m listing several options for you guys below as well. Noting that some of them might be on the stronger side (Biologique Recherche Lotion P50, in particular), and others are a little better tolerated.
Who doesn’t love a skin tip that’s free?!Listening to you skin is as simple as it sounds: Don’t over-exfoliate. Don’t over-treat with active ingredients. Simply put, do less.For me, this took the form of eliminating the morning wash, because it was too harsh for my skin. I noticed that when I was washing my face in the mornings, I would end up with red blotches and more hyperpigmentation. Allowing my skin the overnight period to regenerate and repair, and then using just water to wash in the morning, allowed my skin to retain its even tone and stay more hydrated.Learning to listen to your skin looks different for everyone. Maybe for you it’s all about taking that first step to address wrinkles or fine lines. Is Botox an option? Have you thought about fillers? Do you need to get started on a prescription anti-ager?
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