I deliberately waited to post this until 2021 was well underway, because I think we can all agree that after the cyclone that was last year, it is imperative to keep our expectations low—at least for the time being—when it comes to what the new year “should” be.
So let’s talk about some of my (admittedly, low) expectations for 2021 are!
The New Year’s Word is a quick way to remember what you want the year to be about—vague enough that it can apply to several areas of life, and specific enough that it holds you to task in accomplishing it.
Also, it feels like less of a commitment (and frankly a little less to remember!) to reference a word when trying to shape my goals, rather than a whole list of things I want to accomplish.
On that note, I’d like to share with you my New Year’s word, in hopes that you might do the same and share yours with me!
Mine is: expansion.
As it relates to work, I hope for expansion to bring me to new opinions, new opportunities, and a broader reach.
As it relates to my relationships, I hope for expansion to bring me to appreciate the people already in my life more deeply, and to expand and deepen our connections.
To me, expansion is a word that allows me to reflect on the positivity that is already in my life—appreciating it, while also holding space for it to grow.
Now I’d love to know: Do you have a New Year’s word? If so, I’d love to hear it! Let me know on Instagram or comment below. It’s so great hearing from you!
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