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Do you find yourself feeling like you waste time and money looking for the best-performing skincare products? I totally get it. That’s why I put together a master list of all of my skincare MVPs not only in blog post form, but also in a podcast episode, so you can get the whole explanation as to why I love every single product on this list.

February 4, 2019

Master List: All My Skincare MVP’s (Post AND Podcast!)

Okay so I feel mildly hypocritical doing a post about working out now that I just housed a slice of Publix birthday cake from my son’s party last night (#sorrynotsorry)…

January 16, 2019

The Best Workout for Pregnancy and New Moms

When it comes to good skin, it’s all about the products and the routine. Get the right routine, stick with it, and I promise, you’ll see results!

January 8, 2019

4 Must-Practice Habits for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Welcome to the new year! New resolutions! New goals! New energy! New beauty products!! This post is the first of a new monthly series I’ll be doing…

January 2, 2019

On My Vanity: January

Like the song says, sometimes “You gotta make your own sunshine.” And this winter, when the gray weather is bringing you down, I have a simple antidote–a bright pink lip!

December 26, 2018

How (and Why) to Try a Bright Pink Lipstick this Winter

One of the upsides to being a giant product addict is being a resource for anyone who wants to snag a great beauty buy for the holidays. Here is my list of faves!

December 3, 2018

Holiday Gift Guide: The Beauty Addict

You know what having three kids in five years will give you LOTS of–besides incredible memories, tons of slobbery baby kisses and about a thousand pacifiers that *I promise you*, you will somehow NEVER be able to find at the exact moment when you and your wailing child need them? WRINKLES. Lots of wrinkles.

November 29, 2018

Botox 101

I’m not saying that kids these days are spoiled by the abundance of hot tool options that make literally almost any person able to avoid the Just-Stuck-My-Finger-in-a-Socket look that I rocked literally from seventh until 12th grade… Wait… actually I am.

November 14, 2018

Kristin Ess Texture Taming Root Iron Review

Do you have kids and need to get out of the house quickly? Haha just kidding that was a joke DON’T EVEN ANSWER BECAUSE DUH.

November 6, 2018

Daytime Smoky Eye with Three Products and NO Brushes

Everybody has some place to be, and often, quickly. For me, that place is in my van… stuck in a line of cars that’s being held up by nearby construction as I pound my fists onto my steering wheel and try to prevent myself from unleashing a string of expletives in front of the kids, wondering out loud (for the tenth time that week, likely) why I didn’t leave my house earlier to drop my kids off at school.

October 16, 2018

5-Minute Makeup Routine