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When you spend a substantial amount of time running errands in the car or in school pickup lines, you get to either know your friends very well or get to know a podcast or ten. I do both.

August 29, 2018

Just Wondering: What Podcasts Do You Love?

Let me start off by saying, my kitchen has only looked this clean once, and that was for the half hour it took to take these pictures.

August 23, 2018

Kitchen Reveal

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m so excited to finally share some pictures of our new home office!

July 25, 2018

Home Office Reveal

That’s right; this Pittsburgh native has been converted to a full-on sunshine-loving, winter-fearing, palm-tree-loving, AC-seeking Sunshine State Gal.

July 3, 2018

Palm Print Everything

So you may have seen it on my stories if you follow me on Instagram, but we went to the Indianapolis 500 with some family this past weekend, and I think I’m just now getting back on track with sleep and our schedules since getting home early Monday morning.

June 1, 2018

10 Things

Playroom: [pley-room, -roo m] Noun. A room to stash your kids so you can finally go to the bathroom alone. But only for 45 seconds. Because they will find you. (They always find you.)

May 23, 2018

5 Playroom Essentials

So. Much. Happening. So much, in fact, that I can’t even come up with a wittier intro to this post than that. Let’s get on with it! Here’s what’s been happening around these parts lately…

May 18, 2018

Life Around Here

Here are some things that don’t mix: packing up an entire household; tending to three children ages 5 and under; ear infections; and the inability to string together more than four consecutive hours of sleep for days on end.

May 8, 2018

Just a Couple More Days

By all accounts, this is one of those big moments in a family’s timeline. And yes, we are all very excited about this. The newness! The extra space! The dedicated play room that–say it with me now, HALLELUJAH–actually holds all of the kids’ crap!

May 7, 2018

These Four Walls

Want to know what we’ve been up to for the past, oh, I don’t know, 15-thousand hours? Packing. Okay, maybe it’s technically not been that long, but it sure does feel like that.

April 30, 2018

The Longest Move