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My version of burning hell would be someone forcing me to endure a stint of the Atkins diet. I’ve learned in my adult years that I can cut down on carbs, but I can’t cut them out. Just not gonna happen, even though, yes, I know it would help me with this whole baby weight thing.

July 21, 2017

All the Carbs

Find your rubber gloves and get ready to rock, my friends. Mama’s on a serious binge-fest around these parts, and I’m taking you all along for the ride.

July 19, 2017

Want to Declutter? Find Your Why

Yes, I’m that weirdo you see at Starbucks talking to her phone and saying things like, “I’ll call you right back, semicolon. I’m holding the baby, period. See you soon, exclamation point!”

July 18, 2017

How Do You Work Best?

You know the one thing that’s harder to do than sleep when you have kids?

July 13, 2017

5 Tips from a Professional Organizer to Tackle “Kid Clutter”

I spent the morning in Target (because it is a day ending in “y,” and also #summertime, and #3kidsunder4), and a funny thing occurred to me, as I swept past the toy section with my three kids–desperately trying, and failing, to distract them from the sea of plastic we were passing.One preternaturally calm mama-of-two was […]

July 12, 2017

Hey Target Mom, You’re the Bomb

I had a post all planned and ready to go up today, and then my friend Nicole dropped off the most amazing biscotti on my front porch (because Italians do awesome things like drop off delicious homemade food to your doorstep, unsolicited), and it threw the most delicious and crunchy wrench into my plans to post about something else–something that’s not nearly as awesome as homemade desserts.

July 10, 2017

The Very Best Biscotti Recipe (from a Real Italian)

Before I tell you the mental short circuit that led to the above-mentioned moment, let me assure you that she’s all good. They were bamboo sharks, which if Wikipedia is to be believed, are “harmless to humans.”

July 4, 2017

I Put My Kid in a Shark Tank (and Other Things from the Fourth of July Weekend)

Babies are like bad rental tenants. They move into a pristine place, then proceed to tear down the wallpaper, scratch the hardwood, dent the baseboards and then on the way out be all, “What? What did I do so wrong?!”

July 4, 2017

Simple Ways to Get Back on the Road to Health

My kids are slowly destroying our house, one flooded bathroom floor and lipstick-painted rug at a time. As I write this, my daughter is digging Nutella from the jar with a Lego and eating it. She is failing mightily at actually getting it into her mouth.

June 29, 2017

Be That Mom

Ask any mom: One of the most fun and rewarding things about giving birth to a tiny human is dressing said tiny human in their early years.

June 28, 2017

Dress Your Little Cookie in the Coolest Kids’ Clothing AND a Giveaway!