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So. Baby wearing. Let’s talk about it.I can’t say that in the past I’ve ever been a fan.It’s not that it’s not perfectly adorable and kinda sweet; it’s just that all the carriers that friends recommended to me made me feel less “Chic New Mom” and more “Slipped Disc Waiting to Happen.” After carrying around […]

June 25, 2017

Baby Wearing with the Baby Tula Free-to-Grow Carrier

You guys, I had such a great experience at BlogHer here in Orlando today. I couldn’t go to more than one day’s worth of events (#childcareissues #momlife), but today I got to listen to and speak with some incredible, smart and motivated women who made me more excited about than ever this new journey that I’m on.

June 24, 2017

Just Gonna Leave This Here

These days, nestled somewhere between power washing the driveway and re-organizing my sock drawer on my list of priorities is working out.

June 22, 2017

That Stuck Spot

After the birth of our son, our first child, there was an actual worn path in the nursery room carpet, in the shape of a Figure 8 from the hours and hours I would spend pacing, trying to get him to sleep.

June 20, 2017

NuRoo Baby Products that Make Your Life Easier and a Major DISCOUNT Offer!

This weekend we did what any sane parents who need a little relaxation but who also know that packing up three kids and two adults for longer than a couple days is straight bonkers would do–a staycation.

June 19, 2017

Hilton Bonnet Creek Orlando for Kids (Or, We Were Crazy and Brought a 1-Month-Old to a Hotel)

But it’s just that we spend so much damn time analyzing our baby’s growth and his feeding and the color of his poops that we forget to keep track of our own, and other moms’, mental health and strength. And often to our own detriment.

June 14, 2017

Even Moms are Born

It was dark outside, well past my 4-year-old son’s bedtime, and we were crammed into his twin bed, nose to nose. He was in that very distinct stage of not-quite-sleep where all the silliness wanes and the sweetness surfaces.

June 12, 2017

My Dream Date

There are long days, and then there are long, rainy days with three children under the age of 4 in your house. I’ll let you take one guess as to which one feels longer.

June 8, 2017

Permission to Get Dirty

Reporting to you tonight live from the trenches, where I am currently sheltering in a corner of my house while FIVE–count ’em, FIVE–children literally tear my house to shreds, I bring you today’s edition of “Get Familiar.”

June 6, 2017

Get Familiar

Breastsleeping is when a breastfeeding mother co-sleeps with her infant, allowing the baby to nurse on demand throughout the night without leaving the comfort of bed.

June 5, 2017

“Breastsleeping” Could be the Key to More Sleep with Your Baby