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Hi friends! Here we are, two weeks into raising our third baby, and I find myself going through a lot of the same emotions and routines that I did with our first two kids.

June 2, 2017

My Completely Unprofessional but Indispensable Advice and Thoughts on the First Weeks of Being a New Mom

It is 2am. You are standing in a drafty hospital room, naked except for a paper-thin robe. A nurse just finished sticking you with a needle and popping one of a vein in one of your hands. (Surprisingly painful.) You haven’t slept in 20 hours.

May 29, 2017

The Birth Story

Just emerging from my newborn-head-sniffing craze over here to check in. Yes, we’re alive. Yes, we’re elated. And yes, we are crazier than ever.

May 19, 2017

Things Around Here These Days

Well, I got my epidural so I am loving life (and my anesthesiologist), and I can’t sleep because, well, you know, the whole about to give birth to a new person thing, so here I am.

May 16, 2017

In Labor

“Something I never knew until I became a mom was how much I used to love long, hot showers.  I have kissed those goodbye for now, and hope they will return one day VERY VERY soon.

May 12, 2017

The Motherhood Series, Part Two

Truth is, sometimes you need to reflect on where you are, to appreciate just how far you’ve come. What you’ve learned. How you’ve grown. What you wish you would have known before you started this crazy journey.

May 10, 2017

The Motherhood Series, Part One

Look, I’m not going to crap all over the idea of flowers for Mother’s Day, because the truth is, if my kids gave me a bundle of dried-up dandelions in a half-filled cup of dirt, I would treasure it more than the Hope Diamond.

May 8, 2017

Mother’s Day Gifts that Aren’t Flowers

This past Saturday, as Andrew and I racked our brains during round one of The Great Search for Something to Entertain the Kids, we settled on driving to a park in a town about a half hour from our home.

May 7, 2017

Just the Four of Us

Lisa Schale-Drake is a Master Trainer with Barre 3, and she took some time to answer some questions for us about why barre-based workouts might be a good consideration for any mom who wants to work up a sweat.

May 4, 2017

Barre for Babies and Mamas

Well, we are officially 18 days away from our due date (!!!), and here we are at that familiar stage in pregnancy where we can’t wait to meet our tiny person, but we are also simultaneously terrified to meet said tiny person because of all the work we know is ahead.

May 2, 2017

The Hospital Bag (Or, It’s About to Get Real Real)