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During a naptime Facebook scroll, I came across this article in The Inquisitr, and I nearly threw the glass baby bottle I was holding against the wall.

February 8, 2017

Lady Gaga, Online Bullies & Our Little Girls

There’s not much during pregnancy that’s more fun than dressing up, putting on some makeup and playing glam. Just kidding. Everything sounds more fun than that when you’re pregnant.

February 1, 2017

How to Take Great Maternity Photos

Another day, another study proving what mothers have been trying to explain for millennia with our exhaustion-limited vocabulary and sleep-deprived cortices.

January 31, 2017

You’re Not Crazy, You’re Just a Mom

It sounds like I’m far along–and looks like it too–but then I realize I have 16 weeks left and think, “Nope, lady. You’ve got some more baby hauling to do.”

January 30, 2017

24 Week Check-In

Pregnancy is an amazing, but strange, time. Your body is growing, your mind and memory is starting to slip away (hiya, Mom Brain!), and you can’t fit into your damn clothes anymore, and yet everything you see in maternity clothing stores seems to be absurdly expensive or just not your style.

January 26, 2017

Maternity Clothes Delivered! The BUMPStyle Box Review

I’ve heard it from my pregnant friends time and time again. “All people ever want to tell me is their horror stories about giving birth. I don’t wanna hear that crap!” “Why are all these moms being so negative?!”

January 25, 2017

Birthing Horror Stories and Why We Tell Them

Of all the things I’ve gained from motherhood, the one thing I’ve lost the most of is time.

January 23, 2017

The Basic Face (aka The Red Light Face)

So much hand-wringing these days on Facebook lately from parents about kids and the election.

January 20, 2017

On This Inauguration Day and Every Day, Let’s Leave the Little Kids Out of It

There are some things that you are forced to become more aware of, working as an anchor and reporter in television news for 13 years. Take, for example, the daily political talking points, or the latest health news, or the weather. About all of these points, most television journalists could intelligently banter.

January 19, 2017

The Great (Toy) Gun Debate

She barely missed my eye.

January 18, 2017

Today I Got Stabbed in the Head with a Fork: A Poem