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Lots of big days in our house this week! Little dude turned 4, the kids started soccer and I tried my hand at facial hair… And strangely (or maybe not) ended up looking exactly like my dad. HA!

January 15, 2017

The Week in Pictures

Please allow me to disclose that I am writing this post while eating a bar of dark chocolate, so #hypocrite? Or #moderation? You decide.

January 13, 2017

Staying Fit through Pregnancy

It was four years ago at this very moment that I was in the final stages of the “pushing” part of my labor, and mere hours away from being rolled into the operating room–shaking like a leaf from all the medication–for an emergency c-section, to welcome my son. My first baby.

January 12, 2017

Birthdays and New Beginnings

Since you’re only using them for a relatively short amount of time, maternity clothes aren’t something many people want to invest too much money in, or too much time into finding.

January 11, 2017

The Best Maternity Clothing Shopping

There are some things that are very worthy of setting clear goals.Take, for example, a weight loss or fitness regimen. This is something that can be broken down into achievable steps. It’s quantifiable. You write down what your goal is, look at it for inspiration every day, do certain things each day that will lead […]

January 10, 2017

The Birth Plan (and Why I’ll Never Have One Again)

Well, it was our last week of winter vacation, which means we were busy hitting up all sorts of fun places for the kids, all over Central Florida. The science center, Disney Springs, countless parks, Magic Kingdom, the hair salon for a little back-to-school trim, and more. Oh, and we also got a peek at our still-baking Baby Girl #2.  🙂

January 7, 2017

The Week in Pictures

There is some sort of cosmic button that is pushed in your soul the second you have a child.

January 6, 2017

When Time Starts Running

Whoever said beauty is pain… was an ass. These days, very few events can coax me out of stretchy fabric.

January 4, 2017

The Pants You’ll Rock, Pregnant or Not

I knew at some point it would happen, and today it did. When talking with a woman I’ve known for years asked how I was doing “not working,” and I said, “Great!” I got The Look. The “You Gotta Be Kidding Me, Lady” look.

January 4, 2017

The 3 Month Check-In

Well, friends, it’s here. New Year’s Eve. The day we kiss goodbye to another calendar year, look forward to what’s next, and look back on where we’ve come over the past 365 days.

January 1, 2017

Pass the Champagne… errrr, Jammies