Dear Month One Quarantine Self Dear Month One Quarantine Sonni, Hey girl! How’s it going?! Wait, don’t answer that!!Listen, honey. We gotta talk. Set down the homemade soda bread recipe and give a spell of rest to your well-intentioned mind as it tries to decide which remote workout app will give you the best biceps. […]
stupid things couples fight about If someone would have told me before my husband and I said “I do” that some of the most explosive fights we would have would revolve around the quality of the frothiness of dish soap, I would have laughed in your face… and then maybe purchased stock in Dawn. But […]
For All the Mamas inspiration AAAAAH WTF *@#$%%amp;*#!!!!That, friends, is the collective scream of all the parents… across the whole damn world… added up over the past damn five months… who are all very much at their damn wits’ ends.These streets are mean, and the kids–bless their tiny little hearts as they enjoy what they perceive […]
I came across a post that I really needed today. Maybe you need it too. Cup of Jo–a site I frequent not only for the great content but also for the amazing community of commenters (a dream for a blogger!)–put up a post called, What’s Bringing You Joy? I thought, what a simple question that! […]
damon young book review I’m so glad you’re on this journey with me. Although few of us would label ourselves as “racist,” I have come to learn over the past month or so–and maybe you have, too–that so many of institutions upon which our country was built have been to the detriment of the Black […]