recipe for aloe vera smoothie for inflammation
Image via @rayshealthyways
Inflammation is your body’s response to a variety of potential issues, ranging from viral infections, to bacterial infections, to gut issues, to underlying medical conditions, skin irritations and more.As it relates to our internal health and wellbeing, inflammation can also be a marker of a range of underlying health issues.
I’m so excited to introduce a face you’ll hopefully be seeing on the blog more in the upcoming months to share more about nutrition, health and mental well-being. And she’s the brains behind today’s amazing anti-inflammatory aloe smoothie recipe that both you and your kids will love.Rachel Hilinski is a certified holistic nutritionist and meditation teacher whose work centers around creating routines for physical and mental health.Rachel and I met in person about a year ago. And I so love her vibe and the incredible information she’s always so willing to share. I knew I had to find a way to bring her wisdom onboard somehow.So thank you, Rachel, for sharing this recipe and info with us! I hope you guys will be seeing a lot more of her around these parts as I continue to tap into amazing minds in the name of bettering this community.
You’re probably used to applying aloe vera topically to soothe skin. But did you know that it can also hydrate from the inside out?Rachel says, “Aloe vera is great for hydration, as well as providing a hearty dose of electrolytes, antioxidants and vitamins.”
It turns out aloe is a superfood in many respects. “It’s anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic (good for blood sugar levels), anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antioxidant! When taken orally, [it’s] an immune booster and a great way to combat any sort of inflammation, viruses and bacteria.”
This might come as a surprise to you–I know it did to me! Aloe vera can help with the digestion process, too. Rachel says it can help alleviate symptoms of constipation and acid reflux. And can have an overall soothing effect on the digestive tract.
best anti inflammatory aloe vera smoothie recipe
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