Said it before, saying it again: If you want a lesson in humility, hang out with a kid for a day. Especially your own child. And the less knowledge they have of social norms, the better.
Listen, kids are cute and snuggly and all that, but I know I’m not the only mom whose kid has said something to them before that’s made them stop in their tracks and say, “Wait… was that just shade?”
I had the biggest laugh yesterday when my sweet 5-year-old daughter paused, gave me a little bit of an up-and-down, tilted her head to the side in the most thoughtful little way and said, with no trace of irony, “Mom, why do you wear sweatpants seriously every day?”
A pause and a thought to myself: Wait, was that shade, or was that an honest question?
I thought the response, “Well sweetie, we’re in the middle of a viral pandemic and frankly my physical response to the utterly devastating emotional burden of worrying about our health on a near-constant basis exhausts me, and truly leaves me little to no room for wardrobe consideration,” might be a little heavy, so I settled for, “I just really like them!” Also true!
“I thought the response, “Well sweetie, we’re in the middle of a viral pandemic and frankly my physical response to the utterly devastating emotional burden of worrying about our health on a near-constant basis exhausts me, and truly leaves me little to no room for wardrobe consideration,” might be a little heavy, so I settled for, “I just really like them!” Also true!”
So now I have to ask you, has your kid shaded you lately? Or maybe just asked a sweet and honest question that could be construed as such?
Aaah, kids. The ultimate confidence equalizers! Drop me your funniest kid comments below and let’s laugh together!
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