Friends! What’s good?! Let’s catch up a bit.
I’m currently binging Season 3 of You on Netflix. Are you watching? Yeow. This show was a bit of a hard sell for me in the early going (lots of gore), but I stuck with it and Season 3 is more psychological thriller and murder mystery, and a tad less blood. It’s good.
Let’s get caught up.
And man, we’ve had some awesome conversations on the podcast and live show. I’ll link some favorites below, but let’s chat some other favorite things in the meantime.
Andrew and I always do theme costumes for the whole family—Austin Powers and Back to the Future are two of my favorites, see below!—and this is the first year each kid wants his or her own costume. (sob)
So this year we will have one Wonder Woman, one angel, and one Notre Dame football player. Andrew and I are currently undecided but I’m pushing for Indiana Jones and Willie Scott… Let’s see if we have the creativity to put together these costumes out of what we currently have in our closets.
I’m the last one to this party, but I’ve been loving the whole store. I’m wearing this sweater vest I just snagged there in the picture above, and it’s such a simple way to dress up a pair of jeans.
The whole vibe there , to me, is chic-casual, and I’m here for it. My goal since hitting 40 is to try to dress in something other than athleisure when leaving the house, unless I’m actually going to work out. 😉 For the past decade, since having kids, I prioritized comfort over everything, and now that little S is 4 and a half (!!!), it’s starting to feel a little less chaotic around here, allowing me some time to take care of myself.
I’ll let you know his this little dressing-up experiment goes! But in the meantime, are you also an Evereve fan?
I’ve linked some other colors below, but the camel color here is the only one that’s on sale right now.
One more of the vest! This is one more 90s style I’m happy to see coming back.
It’s causing a ton of controversy, and he’s being accused of transphobia by some, and exalted as a free speech/comedy king by others. What do you think? Here’s a thoughtful piece on it.
…and her new Netflix special, “Sex, Love & goop” is on my must-watch list when it comes out. Are you planning on watching? What are your thoughts on Goop?
I did this as a supplemental detection tool to my regular mammograms, and I got some mixed responses when I shared this. Some of you are anti-thermography, saying it’s bogus; many others were curious as to what it shows, and if it’s worth it. This is one woman’s personal experience with it, since I haven’t done a blog post on it myself.
My thoughts? Any other thing I can do to keep track of my health, especially because it’s touch-free, pain-free and radiation-free, is something I’m embracing. Read more on thermography here. (And do know, the FDA does not recommend this as a standalone diagnostic tool.)
Into the Gloss’s posts always help me discover new skin care lines worth trying, and this article has me wanting to try Mary Allan really badly. This exfoliating toner is on the top of the list for when I finally run out of my current stash.
Sweater vest linked here
A candid interview with one of the highest-paid legal sex workers in the U.S. This one was so fun! Alice Little tells me all about why good sex always stems from good communication. A must-listen to spice up your sex life. (I also ask her the most unusual thing a client has asked for…)
In this episode, one of the guests I interview is a fertility coach. Have you heard of that title before? I hadn’t, but wow, now that I know what it is, it makes so much sense. This episode is a deep dive with said coach Elizabeth King, as well as Allison Prato, the host of the amazing podcast Infertile AF, which profiles people experiencing all the different stages of infertility. An episode chock full of information, emotion and hope.
This one will really hit with women. Authors and PhD’s (and identical twins!) Lexie and Lindsay Kite talk with me all about how to raise our awareness about the heap of unhealthy images we encounter daily, and how to raise kids who value themselves beyond their looks. It’s an eye-opening and raw chat about what we’ve all been taught to value in ourselves, and how to heal.
That’s all for now. Drop me a line! Always love to chat. Instagram is still where I’m hanging out the most. 🙂
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