This week on Sustainable Living has pointed out many reasons why it’s time to pay attention to how we treat the planet. Today, we’re talking some simple things you can do to help save the earth, one small decision at a time!
These tips come from Anne Therese, The Climate Optimist, whose positive outlook on turning around climate change is so inspiring.
I just wrote a feature on her practice of Climate Optimism the other day, so be sure to check it out!
Rather listen to some good tips? My podcast with ecobabe Monica Richards just went live!
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It all starts with slowing down.
Once we slow down we can step out of our hamster wheels and invite new ideas and belief systems. We can ask ourselves the bigger questions and dare to invite something new into our lives. The biggest change that needs to happen is those in our hearts and homes, and that kind of change can only begin to manifest once we give it space to evolve.
Sustainability can mean so many things, but what it ultimately comes down to is how you take care of the things you own, yourself, and the planet. Give MORE value to everything you already have and start treating everything in your life as a gift.
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I cannot emphasize enough how important this is, and it’s SO FUN!
Sonni’s note: Here is the chic composting kit that ecobabe Monica Richards suggested on our podcast.
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Buy as much second-hand as you can!
Sonni’s note: We did a whole week on Living with Less, and I talked about a great clothes upcycling program, where you can consign old clothing and earn credit for new purchases. While not truly second-hand, it’s one option for those wanting to dip their toes into more sustainable fashion options.
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Sonni’s note: On the recommendation of a friend, I just bought what she calls one of the best vegetarian cookbooks out there. I’ll report back and let you know how the meals turn out!
Start conversations with family and friends!
Sonni’s note: For those who are hesitant to sound “preachy” or worry their ideas may not resonate with family and friends, find ways to introduce the eco-friendly practices you’re doing by simply talking about them in daily conversations. For example, “I just tried the best vegetarian recipe the other day!” Or, “I started using these reusable cotton pads and they’re so much softer on my face than the disposable ones.” The way to make anyone more genuinely curious about making changes is to show how it’s already impacting you.
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