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Fall brings to mind a specific color palette; in my mind, I see rich browns, rusts and gold colors–all the shades you’d see on a drive through the countryside.

November 14, 2017

Switch to This Eye Liner for Fall

Micellar water pretty much changed the way I do my makeup. It allows me to fix my mistakes so easily, so I’m not scared to try new looks. (Who wants to go back to the starting line when you’re crafting a smoky eye? Not this chick.)

November 7, 2017

The One Step You Need to Add into Your Makeup Routine

It clearly wasn’t enough for me to cut my wardrobe effectively in half, purge tons of my kids’ toys and basically tried to Kondo-fy my entire existence… Now, I’m targeting my real problem zone.

August 28, 2017

Why I Keep My Skin Care “Safer”

As you know, I gladly sacrifice my dermal integrity and the stability of my budget on a regular basis to test out beauty products, because hey, everyone needs to feel like they are contributing in some meaningful way to this world, and if that means randomly breaking out in hives to do so, I’m your girl.

August 22, 2017

Loving Right Now: 5 Safer Skincare Products

Ask my circle of friends, and they will agree: I’m not the one in the group known to be particularly on-time, particularly good with remembering important dates, or particularly anything-that-has-to-do-with-having-a-functioning-brain.

August 9, 2017

Apply Your Skin Care Products Like This

Today I’m here with some tips on a new addition to my beauty routine that I’ve come to love: Dry brushing.

August 2, 2017

3 Good Reasons to Start Dry Brushing Now

Traveling with two toddlers and a newborn requires patience… and a simple makeup routine. Since we spent the past 10 days in Pittsburgh with the kids, I have reached for these three makeup products every day to get a polished but natural look. Check them out below and find out how to get money off a Beautycounter order of your own!

July 29, 2017

3 Safer Makeup Products I’m Loving Right Now.. And Get $ Off for Buying Them!

I remember being young and swimming with my mom at the pool, and every time we went into the pool she would insist on keeping her head out of the water and her hair dry. I also remember thinking, How lame.

July 9, 2017

Haircare Hacks for Healthier Locks

Lots of skin problems, some research shows, can be caused or exacerbated by compromised skin. What does compromised mean? Skin that’s been stripped of its natural protective properties by over-cleansing or over-treating.

June 27, 2017

3 Simple Things that Drastically Improved My Skin (and one is FREE!)

There are long days, and then there are long, rainy days with three children under the age of 4 in your house. I’ll let you take one guess as to which one feels longer.

June 8, 2017

Permission to Get Dirty