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One of the many things lots of people associate Florida with is the beach and sunshine. And rightfully so. It’s rarely not vacation weather here, no matter the time of year, and while not all of us live along the beach, most are within reasonable driving distance.We are. But it’s rare I muster up the courage to […]

April 14, 2017

See You at the Beach

Have you seen the kid’s party that is taking the internet by storm? A 3-year-old insisted on Poop as the theme for her 3rd birthday party. Take a quick look. I’ll wait here.

April 12, 2017

This “Poop Party” is all That is Right in Parenthood

Here in the land of 33 Weeks Pregnant with Two Toddlers, things are starting to fall apart. I don’t mean that figuratively, because all the important stuff is intact; I mean it literally. As in, my poor aching bones. I cried for absolutely no reason for the third time this weekend and it just felt so good, I may have to do it again. For no reason.

April 2, 2017

33 Weeks and (She’s) Kickin’

They sit there on my nightstand, stacked eight high, their spines decorated with pastel flourishes and encouraging titles. They are the Leaning Tower of Promise. A promise I never tapped into. Yeah, I’m kinda stupid like that.

March 29, 2017

What Sleep Training Taught Me

As if pushing a tiny person out of a small part of your body weren’t task enough, mentally preparing for labor alone can also be quite a chore.

March 28, 2017

Could the Rules of Labor Be Changing?

I was 7 or 8 years old, walking circles through the handbag section of TJ Maxx, desperately searching for my mom, when to my relief, I finally heard her calling for me just a few racks away.

March 27, 2017

The Great Name Debate

Since buying our first swaggin’ wagon, I have come to realize something: There are two types of people in this world—people who care what you think about their car, and people who get minivans. I am the latter.

March 20, 2017

Hell Yeah I Bought a Minivan

See that picture? That was my darling little daughter, three times, last night. Two of the three beds in our house have been christened, we had to do a 4am bubble bath to get the vomit out of her hair (hope you’re not eating breakfast!) and I woke up to three fragrant piles of dirty laundry to wash.

March 17, 2017


The closest I ever got to being in jail was, well, being in a jail. The Allegheny County Jail, to be exact, in Pittsburgh. In seventh grade, on a field trip for MADD. All it took was one look at the toilet in the corner of the shared cell to convince me that the slammer was not the place for me.

March 15, 2017

5 Simple Ways to Help a New Mom

If you’re anything like me, you wait until the last possible moment to get the nursery everything in life done on time.

March 13, 2017

The Sweetest Nursery Artwork