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Let’s talk about gossip. It’s the ultimate double edged sword: How delicious it feels to wield it, but how it stings when that blade is turned on us. If we’re being honest, we’ve all been on both sides of that sword.

July 24, 2017

The Power of Words

So the family and I are preparing for a trip back up north to Pittsburgh, my hometown, and I can’t wait.

July 19, 2017

Going Home

Have you seen the kid’s party that is taking the internet by storm? A 3-year-old insisted on Poop as the theme for her 3rd birthday party. Take a quick look. I’ll wait here.

April 12, 2017

This “Poop Party” is all That is Right in Parenthood

I was looking at one of my favorite blogs, Brooklyn Blonde, today, and one of her most recent posts titled “What Brings You Joy?”

April 5, 2017

This Man’s Theory Can Help Bring You More Joy Instantly

During a naptime Facebook scroll, I came across this article in The Inquisitr, and I nearly threw the glass baby bottle I was holding against the wall.

February 8, 2017

Lady Gaga, Online Bullies & Our Little Girls

There is some sort of cosmic button that is pushed in your soul the second you have a child.

January 6, 2017

When Time Starts Running

The new year provides us with the perfect opportunity to try—even in baby steps—something new that challenges us, and may make us better in the end.

January 3, 2017

10 Resolutions for a Person Who Really Doesn’t Like Resolutions: 2017 Edition

Well, friends, it’s here. New Year’s Eve. The day we kiss goodbye to another calendar year, look forward to what’s next, and look back on where we’ve come over the past 365 days.

January 1, 2017

Pass the Champagne… errrr, Jammies