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“If I sit really, really close to the door,” she said. “If someone came running down the hall with a gun, I wouldn’t have time.”Please take a moment to process that quote. Really read it. Those words came from a high school student.

May 21, 2018

The Problem with Thoughts and Prayers

Reporting to you tonight live from the trenches, where I am currently sheltering in a corner of my house while FIVE–count ’em, FIVE–children literally tear my house to shreds, I bring you today’s edition of “Get Familiar.”

June 6, 2017

Get Familiar

Yep. That picture is pretty much me for the next 3 weeks. Nope. No baby yet. But… there is another huge thing happening soon and in town…

May 1, 2017

The Road to Babies Leads through Orlando

Welcome to Get Familiar, a new regular post where I get to share with you all kinds of crap from all over the internet. Yay!

February 22, 2017

Get Familiar