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I think we can all agree, it’s amazing to see a woman poised to help lead our country.

November 10, 2020

Fly, Girls

It feels like I’ve told the story about why I quit my job in television news countless times, and I’m always a bit surprised by how frequently the question comes up not only in interviews I’ve done with other people, but also in day-to-day conversations with friends or other people I meet. Why? they ask. Why would you leave a job you worked so hard to get, and one you so thoroughly enjoyed?

November 27, 2018

Why You Need to Follow Your Heart

There is no other way to describe this past Friday than messy. I don’t mean that in a figurative sense, but in a very literal sense. Specifically, it was bloody.

October 22, 2018

Speeding Toward the Big Stuff

Pop quiz: What’s only moderately easier than giving birth to a human being? Giving birth to a website.Just kidding! Kind of. 😉

October 18, 2018

It’s Here! My New Site (+ My Love Letter to You)