When I played tee-ball as a child, my position was right field, or, as my family affectionately began to call it after they witnessed my athletic skills–or lack thereof–“The Daisy-Picking Zone.” That should tell you all you need to know about my skills as a sportsman.That’s not the end of the story. I did eventually […]
One of the sweetest ways to welcome a new baby is with a gorgeous birth announcement. Sure, you can announce your little one’s arrival on social media, but there’s something about holding a picture in your hand that makes it that much better. (Plus, last I checked you can’t put a Facebook photo on a magnet […]
So. Baby wearing. Let’s talk about it.I can’t say that in the past I’ve ever been a fan.It’s not that it’s not perfectly adorable and kinda sweet; it’s just that all the carriers that friends recommended to me made me feel less “Chic New Mom” and more “Slipped Disc Waiting to Happen.” After carrying around […]