New Years resolutions sonni
Happy new year, friends! Looking back on 2019, I have deep gratitude for the things that I have seen bloom and grow, the result of work and love.As years go, 2019 was both great and also tough. I saw loss, dealt with health issues of those close to me, and struggled to carve out regularity in my schedule when it comes to work.I actually did a tongue-in-cheek review of 2019 on Instagram, but the start of the new year always fills me–and I’m sure many of you, too!–with the hope that we can get even one more thing figured out or better that we weren’t able to in the past year.Here’s my thought on resolutions: They’re great! …for some people. For me, I choose to have a new year’s word–something that helps me to define my purpose over the next 12 months. And let’s be honest: I can barely stick with a grocery list, so I’m not going to list a dozen goals that I will beat myself up over not accomplishing.
My word for 2020 is clarity. This year, I am focusing on clarity of purpose. Why am I creating the content that I am creating? Who am I serving? And what is the best way to accomplish my goal of getting good information out to amazing women?Your New Year’s word can be anything! What is one area of your life that you’d like to understand more? Start there.For example, are relationships your sticking point? Maybe you’re experiencing turbulence or issues in your relationships. Your word might be understanding–a reminder to get to the core of why you and the other person are feeling the way you’re feeling.Are you in a tough spot with your career and questioning what’s next? How about growth? Growth to find yourself and define your goals more, or growth within your current position and company.You get the idea!Having one word keeps things simple. It’s easy to repeat to yourself that one mission statement when things are feeling crazy or difficult.
Whereas lists of goals can feel overwhelming, having one thought, mantra, or word keeps it simple.Most times when we are feeling overwhelmed, staring at a long list of goals can feel more like an impossible challenge than an inspiration.In that way, using one simple word or mantra can help you re-center that much quicker.
A new year is always exciting because it’s a recurring opportunity to start fresh, and to redefine ourselves.As you go through the next twelve months, I hope you’ll take it easy on yourself and be mindful of all the things on your plate. Whether you’re staying at home with the kids or on a badass career track, we as women are busier than ever these days, and we can all be critical of ourselves.Tackling our goals one at time, and staying centered on purpose while doing so, makes it that much easier.
Oh, and if I haven’t said it lately, thanks for being here. 🙂 This small but strong community of ours is so special to me. Whether telling amazing people’s stories on my podcast or sharing tips and products with you here on the blog, it all brings me such joy, and I so hope it brings you some smiles and good info too.
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