The spring Sephora sale is here, which means it’s time for a deal! For those of us who are committed to making ourselves human beauty lab rats… errr, I mean “Rouge” members… we get 20% off (yay!) during this sale. But if you’re not Rouge, no worries! VIB’s get 15% off, and Beauty Insiders (it’s free to sign up!) get 10% off.
what to buy sephora spring sale
what to buy spring sale sephora skin care
I walked into my closet and took all the products off my top shelf that I’m currently using, and snapped this pic. So yes, this is truly what I’m currently using, and what I think you’ll love too!
what to buy sephora spring sale makeup
I always have something on my list that I’m wanting to try, and these are some things I have my eye on.I ripped these right from my Sephora Loves list, and I’m going to snag up a few during the sale!
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