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The kiddos started school last week (Bonus: I didn’t forget my daughter’s first day of school this year!), and we have all been adjusting to their new schedules and getting things ready for their new school years.

August 20, 2018

Colorful and Cute Back-to-School Clothes For Little Girls

Are you like me and do you suffer from SDS, or Shorts Doubting Syndrome? My guess is if you’re over the age of 15 you are screaming YES.

August 17, 2018

Why You Need a Jean Skirt (or 3) in Your Wardrobe

TL;DR: It’s about “Snapchat Dysmorphia,” a new term used to describe a condition in which people are beginning to expect–to want–ourselves to look as perfect IRL as we do on our Snapchat (or Instagram) filters.

August 15, 2018

Apparently We All Want to Look Like Puppies (or, Snapchat Dysmorphia and Why it Sucks For Our Girls)

Soaking, nighttime reads, facial massage and more!

August 14, 2018

Simple and Affordable Ways to Treat Yourself

When I’m not on Instagram Stories talking about how I got peed on at the pediatrician’s office (#momlife), or how I am in total awe of salad kits, or how I’m hiding in the closet with a tub of Breyers Cookie Dough, I’m (sometimes) talking about fashion.

August 12, 2018

Day Date Outfit Ideas

Frequently on this blog and on my social media channels, you’ll find me making fun of myself. If anyone out there is keenly aware of her faults as a mom and person, it’s me.

August 11, 2018

The Good-Enough Mantra

As a mom, you lose some things. For example, my memory? Not quite reliable, per se. I may or may not forget what I’m going into the bedroom for the second I leave the kitchen. (Read: I may.)

August 8, 2018

Help on Call 24/7 With Blueberry Pediatrics

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know that I am borderline obsessed (and by “borderline,” I mean “totally”)…

August 7, 2018

Striped Ruffle Tank

Andrew has found the biggest way to step up and help me feel half-human again during the day. And it’s just by doing this one thing: He wakes up in the morning with the baby and allows me to get an extra hour of sleep.

August 6, 2018

Just Wondering, How Does Your Partner Show Up?

I was listening to Julie Solomon’s podcast interview of Rachel Hollis the other day when Rachel said something so strikingly effective on the topic of social media FOMO and envy, I had to share it with you all.

August 3, 2018

Every Time You Compare Yourself to Someone, Do This…