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It always starts out with these words: “So far I’ve been just fine…”

April 16, 2018

The Plague (and the New House)

Do anyone else’s “getting ready” sessions go something like this?

April 12, 2018

Want Perfect Curls? Try This Tool

I exhibit Gollum-like tendencies (THE RING! THE RIIIIING!!!) when it comes to the way I treat my beauty products…

April 10, 2018

3 Products to Check Out from Clark’s Botanicals

When I launched The Style Project on the blog at the beginning of the year, the goal was to force myself to curate a practical and stylish closet, which I very much did not have after spending approximately six years making and taking care of babies. This is not an exaggeration. There were pools of vomit. It was messy.

April 9, 2018

Big Boys, Big Teeth

34+ hours of labor and emergency C-section? I can handle that. Unmedicated until 9cm VBAC? Got that too (times two). Surviving bleeding nipples? I’m ya gal!

April 6, 2018

Now that You Ask, Yes, I am a Big Baby

If you’re new to this site and don’t know my backstory, I worked for 15 years in television, 13 of them in local news, reporting and anchoring on local and national news.

April 4, 2018

You Can Take the Girl Out of TV News…

Am I the only one who looks back at pictures of myself from the early 2000s and literally cringes? This could technically be due to a multitude of reasons, but in this instance it’s attributed to the one denim trend that permeated that period–low-rise jeans.

April 3, 2018

The Mother of All Jeans

There are many experiences from my childhood I would love to revisit. To wit: Long, lazy afternoons fishing on the lake with my grandfather. The feel of smoothing down a bluegill’s fins as I unhook him and toss him back with a splash into the crystal water.

April 2, 2018

Can You Hear Me Now?

…because when you’re a mom, everything changes. And that most definitely includes spring break.

March 30, 2018

Video: Spring Break: The Mom Edition

Just Wondering is a series where we talk about some pressing–and sometimes not-so-pressing–issues that help us to have a moment of much-needed reflection. Read on and weigh in!

March 28, 2018

Just Wondering: How Do You Define Success?