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Today I’m here with some tips on a new addition to my beauty routine that I’ve come to love: Dry brushing.

August 2, 2017

3 Good Reasons to Start Dry Brushing Now

It’s right after the kids go to bed, when you get to flip open your laptop, pop some kettle corn, put on your IDGAF sweats, turn on Netflix and tune out the world.

August 1, 2017

How Do You Relax?

I was 7 or 8 years old, walking circles through the handbag section of TJ Maxx, desperately searching for my mom, when to my relief, I finally heard her calling for me just a few racks away.

July 31, 2017

Weird-Named Kids of the World, Unite

Traveling with two toddlers and a newborn requires patience… and a simple makeup routine. Since we spent the past 10 days in Pittsburgh with the kids, I have reached for these three makeup products every day to get a polished but natural look. Check them out below and find out how to get money off a Beautycounter order of your own!

July 29, 2017

3 Safer Makeup Products I’m Loving Right Now.. And Get $ Off for Buying Them!

We bought and didn’t use many things over the course of our three pregnancies and births. I’m here to share what you can save your cash on, because college is coming a lot sooner than you think and that is something you should actually be spending money on for your kids.

July 27, 2017

All the Baby Products I Bought and Didn’t Use

Ladies, gentlemen, and all those with a penchant for utter chaos–witness the wonder that gathers under this tent! Come now, and feast your gaze upon the sheer Crazy.

July 26, 2017

I Run a Three-Ring Circus (and Kinda Love Everything About It)

Let’s talk about gossip. It’s the ultimate double edged sword: How delicious it feels to wield it, but how it stings when that blade is turned on us. If we’re being honest, we’ve all been on both sides of that sword.

July 24, 2017

The Power of Words

My version of burning hell would be someone forcing me to endure a stint of the Atkins diet. I’ve learned in my adult years that I can cut down on carbs, but I can’t cut them out. Just not gonna happen, even though, yes, I know it would help me with this whole baby weight thing.

July 21, 2017

All the Carbs

Find your rubber gloves and get ready to rock, my friends. Mama’s on a serious binge-fest around these parts, and I’m taking you all along for the ride.

July 19, 2017

Want to Declutter? Find Your Why

So the family and I are preparing for a trip back up north to Pittsburgh, my hometown, and I can’t wait.

July 19, 2017

Going Home