Now that we covered what I like to cover up the face, let’s move northward on the face to.. the eyes! Again, this is just a list of what I like, what I’ve found is made well, delivers, and—in my opinion at least—is worth your money. So, on that note, onward! NARS Hardwired eyeshadow palette If […]
All I have the energy to type out right now is, I am so tired. At 16.5 weeks, I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be over the exhaustion part, yet somehow, I’m not. So today I present to you a self-portrait of Pathetic: I’ll be back with more tomorrow, when I will have something more meaningful […]
Let me just start out by saying this: I am not a beauty professional. I’m not trained in makeup or hair. BUT… (big “but”… haha. Okay, I’m juvenile. Moving on…) also, novice I am not. After spending 15 years working in television, during which 99.9% of the time I was responsible for my own daily makeup […]
Well, friends, another Thanksgiving is in the books. How many weeks til our waistlines recover? 😀 This year was the first I hosted my family and friends, and I don’t mind saying—despite the days-long preparation and exhaustion—I think we nailed it. I’m not saying it was a five-star meal, but we got good reviews on the […]
Here’s Part Two of my tour of the Four Seasons Resort Orlando, in which I reconnect with my inner child and absolutely kill a waterslide. Oh man. Why I waited a decade to enjoy this fantastic contraption since the last time, I don’t know. What I DO know, next time I’m near another waterslide–hairstyle and dignity be damned–I’m goin’ all in.