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This past weekend I did something I haven’t done in over four years—traveled solo. No kids, no husband, just me (and Baby 3). It was strangely liberating and also… just kinda strange.

December 14, 2016

Best Friends, Bumps and What You DON’T Need to Have a Baby

Now that we covered what I like to cover up the face, let’s move northward on the face to.. the eyes! Again, this is just a list of what I like, what I’ve found is made well, delivers, and—in my opinion at least—is worth your money. So, on that note, onward!  NARS Hardwired eyeshadow palette  If […]

December 10, 2016

Best of Beauty, the EYE Edition!

All I have the energy to type out right now is, I am so tired. At 16.5 weeks, I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be over the exhaustion part, yet somehow, I’m not. So today I present to you a self-portrait of Pathetic:  I’ll be back with more tomorrow, when I will have something more meaningful […]

December 8, 2016

All the Tireds

Let me just start out by saying this: I am not a beauty professional. I’m not trained in makeup or hair. BUT… (big “but”… haha. Okay, I’m juvenile. Moving on…) also, novice I am not. After spending 15 years working in television, during which 99.9% of the time I was responsible for my own daily makeup […]

December 7, 2016

Beauty Product VIPs! The Face Edition — UPDATED!

I have fielded about a dozen questions from well-meaning relatives this holiday season alone, all who have asked, “What should I get the kids for Christmas?”

December 5, 2016

I’m not a Grinch, but NO MORE CHRISTMAS TOYS, PLEASE!!!

Hope you enjoy our final installation of our tour of the gorgeous Four Seasons Resort Orlando tour, where we got some time with the personal shopper and manager from their incredible on-property boutique clothing and accessories shop, Wardrobe.

December 1, 2016

Video: Exclusive Mickey Mouse merchandise alert! The Four Seasons Resort Orlando, Part 4

It stands about 35 feet tall. Full, verdant and positively regal. Turning the corner of the sidewalk into my parents’ backyard, you would think that pine tree had been there for generations.

November 30, 2016

In Praise of the Wimpy Christmas Tree

Welcome back to the work week! Hope your Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful… Now time to get back to the grind!

November 28, 2016

Video: Say “Spaaaaaaaahhhh…”

Well, friends, another Thanksgiving is in the books. How many weeks til our waistlines recover? 😀 This year was the first I hosted my family and friends, and I don’t mind saying—despite the days-long preparation and exhaustion—I think we nailed it.  I’m not saying it was a five-star meal, but we got good reviews on the […]

November 25, 2016

When You Don’t Totally Screw Up Your First Holiday as Host(ess)

Here’s Part Two of my tour of the Four Seasons Resort Orlando, in which I reconnect with my inner child and absolutely kill a waterslide. Oh man. Why I waited a decade to enjoy this fantastic contraption since the last time, I don’t know. What I DO know, next time I’m near another waterslide–hairstyle and dignity be damned–I’m goin’ all in.

November 23, 2016

Video: Splashing Around, The Four Seasons Resort Orlando, Part 2