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Like many women these days, I’ve lived several professional lives by this point in my life. I’m 37 and have had a “normal,” corporate job; I’ve done the stay-at-home mom thing; and now I’m doing the work-from-home thing. But in every role I’ve held, I’ve found successful women around me. And I’ve learned some important lessons from them.

February 12, 2019

5 Life Lessons I’ve Learned from Successful Women

After all that “sparking joy” analysis with the KonMari Method, chances are you are ready to enjoy your freshly-decluttered space. I know I am! Sre you ready for the After Pictures?

January 30, 2019

Marie Kondo Closet Makeover (Part Two)

I’m no math genius, but if I had to guess, I make somewhere between 356,712 and 554,925 decisions per day as a mom. And when it comes to school mornings, let’s just say I’m in need of any simplifying tips I can get.

January 28, 2019

This One Tip Makes Our School Mornings So Much Easier

I am one of those people who, when the mood strikes to do something, must do it. Like NOW. This goes for many things–writing; eating leftover Publix birthday cake straight out of the fridge; and apparently decluttering and organizing. So a couple weeks ago I did what everyone else in America is doing right now–I went straight up Marie Kondo on my closet.

January 23, 2019

I Marie Kondo’ed my Closet and This is What Happened (Part One)

When you have young kids, you learn to work as a team. One partner usually ends up being better at, say, getting the kids to bed; and the other ends up being better at, say, getting up at the crack of dawn with them. I fall into the former category.

January 18, 2019

Cozy Up, California-Style

If there is one guaranteed way to make my kids stop in their tracks–whatever they’re doing, however far from me, in whatever location in the entire Milky Way–and find their way to me to demand my immediate attention, it is to have me sit down and attempt to work. So when one has to be productive in short, intense bursts, you’ve got to make your workspace just right.

January 15, 2019

My Workspace Essentials

It’s hard for me to be too deliberate about New Years’s resolutions and all, what with the general and total lack of control I feel in my life (JOKE! …Kind of.), but when I get down to brass tacks I start to realize that I am in dire need of improvement in certain areas of my life–namely organization–and what better time to start pretending I’m someone else than at the start of the new year… amiright?!

December 31, 2018

No More Couch Blankets (and Other Resolutions for 2019)

No time for ten things, so let’s cut that crap in halfsies and go! Here are 5 Things I’m loving or otherwise up to…

November 2, 2018

5 Things

Quick: What’s the one thing you should do when you feel like your plate is so full that it’s actually spilling over to the edge, sort of smeared and smashed onto the countertop, and piling up in little bits onto the floor below?

September 27, 2018

My New Venture

That’s the thing about traveling as a mom; you can’t wait to get time away, but when you get back you pay the price in exhaustion.

September 10, 2018

New York City Girls’ Weekend