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I’m not in the practice of patting myself on the back all too often (hello, all other moms out there too!), but may I just say, after this weekend, I think I deserve the gold medal for mothering the shit out of my kids.

November 13, 2017

Gold Medal Momming

Since having kids–and especially since having our third–people have asked, “How do you do it?” And for the longest time, I had no answer.

November 10, 2017

Video: The Secret to Raising Kids

Admission: The term “Mini Me,” when used to describe one’s child, is a bit squirm-inducing to me.

November 8, 2017

Just Wondering: What are Your Kids into Lately?

There are many points in motherhood when we share our stories. And boy are there stories to share.

November 6, 2017

The Motherhood Series: One Woman’s Infertility Journey

Ten Things to Tell Your Kids When You Don’t Want Them Touching Any More of that Freakin’ Halloween Candy

November 1, 2017

Now that Halloween is Over…

May I just say, for the record, that my body has just about had it. It’s been a long five years of baking, birthing and nursing babies.

August 31, 2017

The Perfect “Not Quite There Yet” Outfit

Any new parent can get a little anxious when a flight is on the horizon. Vacations are great, but actually getting to your destination with babies and toddlers in tow? As a great man once wrote, Therein lies the rub.

August 30, 2017

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers and Babies

It’s been a little while since we talked about working here…I’m talking about working a job. An out-of-the-house, insurance-providing, answering-to-an-actual-human-boss kind of job. (And not toddler humans. Adult humans.)

August 29, 2017

That Gut Feeling

It always starts as a little redness around my nose. Little red dots. A cluster of itchy spots.

August 24, 2017

Same Old (Red) Story

I don’t know if it speaks more to my exhaustion or just to the general lack of adult conversations in my life lately, that when my husband asked me recently what I did with a whopping 20 minutes of free time, I responded, “I write-ed.”

August 23, 2017

5 Daily Rituals to Maximize Relaxation (When You Don’t Really Have Time to Relax)