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Yep. That picture is pretty much me for the next 3 weeks. Nope. No baby yet. But… there is another huge thing happening soon and in town…

May 1, 2017

The Road to Babies Leads through Orlando

“It ain’t ditch diggin’.” That’s my all-time favorite quote about working as an anchor in television news. My all-time favorite co-anchor would say it every time we or another anchor would complain about something we had on our plates for the day.

April 27, 2017

Everything I Know About Being a Mom I Learned in a Newsroom

Probably because every free minute I have these days, I’m parked on the bed (hello, Pregnancy Back Pains!), I’m doing a lot of browsing online these days.

April 26, 2017

6 Sweet Things for Mom and Baby

I’m not a complainer, nor am I particularly sensitive to offhand comments, dirty jokes or innuendo, and rarely do I react to the crappy things that people tend to say so freely these days. (Oh hey, Facebook.)

April 25, 2017

Please Don’t Yell Out My Weight (and Other Things Pregnant Women and New Moms Want You to Stop Doing)

Despite the title of this post, I’m not singing The Fresh Prince theme song over here. The “relaxin” I’m talking about has nothing to do with shootin’ some b-ball outside of the school.

April 21, 2017

Chillin’ Out Max and Relaxin’ All Cool

Decorating isn’t one of my “things.” One might aptly file my previous forays into interior furnishings under “Sheer Necessity” and “You’ve Got to Put Some Damn Things in This Room or Your Kid Won’t Have Anywhere to Sleep.”

April 19, 2017

Baby #3’s Nursery Reveal!

Have you seen the kid’s party that is taking the internet by storm? A 3-year-old insisted on Poop as the theme for her 3rd birthday party. Take a quick look. I’ll wait here.

April 12, 2017

This “Poop Party” is all That is Right in Parenthood

Don’t let the calm strolling-through-the-park picture at the top of this post fool you. I am in full-on crisis mode.

April 10, 2017

34 Weeks and My Unabashed Love of Home Goods

Here in the land of 33 Weeks Pregnant with Two Toddlers, things are starting to fall apart. I don’t mean that figuratively, because all the important stuff is intact; I mean it literally. As in, my poor aching bones. I cried for absolutely no reason for the third time this weekend and it just felt so good, I may have to do it again. For no reason.

April 2, 2017

33 Weeks and (She’s) Kickin’

Our new bundle isn’t here yet (7 weeks to go!), but I’m already getting ready for those first couple months at home when we will be hunkering down, doing nothing but chilling out and sleeping.

March 31, 2017

My Newborn & Baby Essentials