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These are probably glaringly obvious to the more seasoned mothers out there, but I have compiled a list of helpful tips for moms of little ones.

August 17, 2015

In Praise of Ketchup

I’ve always been a gawker. My sister has called me out on this time and time again, since childhood. “Son, stop! You’re staring again!!”

August 10, 2015

On Apples and Babies

Parenthood is an exercise in patience. Raising boys is often physically exhausting (how many times can one child climb the same chair/sofa/random body of furniture in any given day? DOZENS is the answer.)

August 4, 2015

10 Small Bits of Advice for My Baby Girl

First things first. I am an unabashedly positive person. Glass half full. Known to burst out in song. Hugging strangers. Eating chocolate after breakfast because YOLO. First one on stage at karaoke. Yada yada yada, etcetera etcetera and the like. YES, I have awful horrible bad days too, but overall you could say I’m pretty upbeat.

July 29, 2015

You Down with PPD? Yeah, You Know Me!

Sometimes the littlest moments in parenthood can just unwind you.Last night I was rocking Frankie to sleep in her dark room, sound machine locked on “gentle rain,” when the other Little Person opened the door walked into the room.“Mama,” he said, as he walked over to the rocking chair. (His little curls bounce when he […]

July 27, 2015

The Little Things (and People)

The doctor’s office table was uncomfortable and my legs kept sticking when I lifted them to move around, but nothing could ruin that morning for me. I had marked the day on my calendar with a bunch of silly heart emojis and I was psyched.

July 21, 2015

Control is Overrated

There are moments in parenthood where you feel so good about how you’re handling things that you practically fist-bump yourself and are all, “Yeah, I got this!”

July 15, 2015

Breakfast Anytime, Just Not Like This

Can I get something off my back? I’m a wreck. Let me rephrase: I’m a functioning wreck.

June 25, 2015

The Salad Bar