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Sometimes being surrounded by the material gifts this holiday brings always makes me snap back to what matters most, and it’s never what’s under the Christmas tree, but who’s around it.

December 23, 2018

Merry Christmas, from Our Family to Yours!

I’m honestly considering opening a therapy office staffed entirely by toddlers who can offer stream-of-consciousness, non-sequitur advice on all of life’s Big Issues, because honestly, sometimes they reveal to us that maybe things are a lot simpler than we like to think.

December 17, 2018

A Spontaneous (and Hilarious) Conversation with Young Kids about Death

It’s been a while since I believed in the Big Guy in the Red Suit myself, but having kids has made me appreciate the Christmas season in a whole new light. That being said, if there did happen to be an overweight man with a penchant for red fleece-lined suits living at the northernmost corner of our planet, just waiting with bated breath to grant the wishes of a near-40-year-old, this would be my list.

December 13, 2018

What a Mom (Really) Wants for Christmas

Everywhere, we see new mothers. At the store, newborns snugged into carriers, their tiny, soft faces wilted into their mothers’ chests. In strollers, snugged and bundled against the cold, tiny eyes peeking out from under hats. Everywhere and always, heart-wrenchingly adorable.

December 4, 2018

Just Wondering: What Would You Want a New Mom to Know?

So our 18-month-old is doing this thing lately that’s got me, let’s just say, on edge. I turned my back for literally one minute (1 minute!) the other day while she and the other two kids were in the kitchen, and I kid you not, when I came back in she was walking across the kitchen island.

November 19, 2018

These 5 Mom Hacks Make School Mornings with My Young Kids (a Little) Easier

So, you just had a baby. Welcome to motherhood! And welcome officially to The Dark Days of Your Nipples. (More on this later.)

November 12, 2018

My Top Three Products for Newborns and New Moms

I’m hardly a by-the-book person. In fact, the dozen or so books on parenting and baby sleep that I bought have all ended up serving as candle-holders on my nightstand, rather than actual resources to inform my mothering.

November 5, 2018

Attachment Parenting 101

It always starts with me crying at random times, in random locations. Outside a drug store. Walking a lake path, as I catch a glimpse of the way the wind catches the water and pushes it into jagged caps. At Trader Joe’s, in the produce aisle.

October 31, 2018

Here Again

So here you are, in your last month of pregnancy. By this point, you’ve already done a ton of work. But there’s one more thing to prepare before you meet your baby, and that’s your hospital bag.

October 29, 2018

How to Pack a Hospital Bag for Delivery

There is no other way to describe this past Friday than messy. I don’t mean that in a figurative sense, but in a very literal sense. Specifically, it was bloody.

October 22, 2018

Speeding Toward the Big Stuff