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Like the song says, sometimes “You gotta make your own sunshine.” And this winter, when the gray weather is bringing you down, I have a simple antidote–a bright pink lip!

December 26, 2018

How (and Why) to Try a Bright Pink Lipstick this Winter

Sometimes being surrounded by the material gifts this holiday brings always makes me snap back to what matters most, and it’s never what’s under the Christmas tree, but who’s around it.

December 23, 2018

Merry Christmas, from Our Family to Yours!

At the start of the year, I started a quest to beef up my closet with stylish and comfortable clothing. Here are some of my most-worn, and most-loved, pieces from 2018!

December 19, 2018

Most Worn and Favorite Clothing Items of 2018

I’m honestly considering opening a therapy office staffed entirely by toddlers who can offer stream-of-consciousness, non-sequitur advice on all of life’s Big Issues, because honestly, sometimes they reveal to us that maybe things are a lot simpler than we like to think.

December 17, 2018

A Spontaneous (and Hilarious) Conversation with Young Kids about Death

It’s been a while since I believed in the Big Guy in the Red Suit myself, but having kids has made me appreciate the Christmas season in a whole new light. That being said, if there did happen to be an overweight man with a penchant for red fleece-lined suits living at the northernmost corner of our planet, just waiting with bated breath to grant the wishes of a near-40-year-old, this would be my list.

December 13, 2018

What a Mom (Really) Wants for Christmas

Some people’s brains dream of putting together outfits; my brain dreams about putting together sandwiches.

December 10, 2018

Holiday Party Outfits that Aren’t Dresses

Remember how, before having kids, you would wonder to yourself upon seeing a frazzled/screaming/disheveled/otherwise-batshit-crazy mom chasing her kids around the store/park/Starbucks in her trusty athleisure uniform and be all, “Ugh, that will NEVER be me.”

December 6, 2018

Holiday Gift Guide: All the Athleisure

Everywhere, we see new mothers. At the store, newborns snugged into carriers, their tiny, soft faces wilted into their mothers’ chests. In strollers, snugged and bundled against the cold, tiny eyes peeking out from under hats. Everywhere and always, heart-wrenchingly adorable.

December 4, 2018

Just Wondering: What Would You Want a New Mom to Know?

One of the upsides to being a giant product addict is being a resource for anyone who wants to snag a great beauty buy for the holidays. Here is my list of faves!

December 3, 2018

Holiday Gift Guide: The Beauty Addict

You know what having three kids in five years will give you LOTS of–besides incredible memories, tons of slobbery baby kisses and about a thousand pacifiers that *I promise you*, you will somehow NEVER be able to find at the exact moment when you and your wailing child need them? WRINKLES. Lots of wrinkles.

November 29, 2018

Botox 101