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Hi friends! Rounding out the week with a post that puts together five things from the week–products I’m loving; conversations I’m having with friends; and anything else worth sharing. Let’s round out the week with some smiles! Five for Friday: The Perfect Beach/Brunch Bag, The Best Natural Eyelash Serum, and How to Maintain Friendships 1: […]

May 9, 2024

Five for Friday: The Perfect Beach/Brunch Bag, The Best Natural Eyelash Serum, and How to Maintain Friendships

I just did the Prenuvo whole body scan. Here is everything you need to know!

March 28, 2024

Prenuvo Honest Review and Thoughts: What It’s Like, and Is It Worth It?

2023 is coming to a close. Here are some lessons I’ve learned, both personally and professionally.

December 29, 2023

Lessons Learned in 2023

It’s kind of crazy how frequently you see the word “narcissist” on social media. If you were using just Instagram or TikTok as a measure of how common something is, it would seem like everyone and their mother has dated, is related to, or knows a narcissist. As it turns out, this personality disorder is […]

November 8, 2023

How to Tell if You’re with a Narcissist

If there is one type of episode that consistently gets the most listens on my podcast, it’s the ones about hormones. I’ve never dealt with PMS symptoms. However, as I get older I’m noticing that the week before my period, I’m more anxious than I’ve ever been. Not fun… for me or those around me. […]

October 19, 2023

Have You Had Your Hormone Levels Tested? Maybe Now is the Time

News flash! It’s not just Ozempic that’s helping all those people you know lose weight. Increasingly, people are also looking into compounded medications, peptides, and other medication blends to help them shed pounds. Let’s talk about it. First things first: Always consult your own doctor before taking any supplement or medication, or changing your health […]

beyond ozempic other ways people are losing weight

September 14, 2023

Peptides, Compounded Meds and More: All the Other Ways (Besides Ozempic) People are Losing Weight

This week on the pod, Clearstem Skincare co-founder Kayleigh Christina answers that question, and so much more.

can dairy break you out clearstem interview

February 22, 2023

Can Dairy Break You Out? Tackle Acne at Any Age: Tips on Great Skin from Clearstem Founder, Kayleigh Christina

I reached for these 15 products time and time again in 2022. Let me tell you why.

December 23, 2022

My Top 15 Most-Used Beauty Products of 2022

The M.E.W.S. Method, by Rewrite and Rise cofounder Cody Isabel, could help you through your next anxious episode.

November 6, 2022

Get Rid of Anxiety on the Spot with this Method

Is entrepreneurship the path for you? Here’s some advice on how to launch your business, from entrepreneur and founder Lindsay Pinchuk.

April 29, 2022

Are You Ready to Launch Your Business? Advice from an Entrepreneur and Founder to Get You Started