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This week on WGT it was all about social media—why we love it, why we hate it, and how to tame it.

May 14, 2021

How to Brand Yourself and Stay Sane on Social Media: 3 Things I Learned This Week with Author Jessica Abo and Half the Story’s Larissa May

What’s your negotiating style? And how can you use it to get more out of work and life? Attorney and expert mediator Erin Gleason Alvarez is in the hot seat for this week’s 5 Questions.

April 30, 2021

How to Ask for That Raise: 5 Questions on Finding Your Negotiating Style with Attorney and Expert Mediator Erin Gleason Alvarez

This week we’re talking… Knowing Your Worth (and negotiating the raise you DESERVE). Let’s dig in!

April 29, 2021

We Gotta Talk… Knowing Your Worth

This week on We Gotta Talk was all about Human Design. Here are three quick takeaways!

April 15, 2021

Three Things I Learned This Week About Human Design

We gotta talk… hormones and skin. In this week’s show, I did a makeup-free virtual skin consult with renowned board-certified dermatologist, and expert in hormonal skin care, Dr. Zenovia.

April 8, 2021

We Gotta Talk… Hormonal Skin Changes and Getting the Best Skin for Your Age, with Dr. Zenovia

This week as we talk Aesthetics, we kick off with 5 Questions with plastic surgery physician assistant and expert injector, Robin Chimile.

April 5, 2021

5 Questions on Aesthetics with… Plastic Surgery P.A. and Aesthetics Expert, Robin Chimile

We Gotta Talk… Kids and Tech. Do they mix? And how do you set healthy boundaries? Let this week’s guests explain.

March 31, 2021

We Gotta Talk… Kids and Technology

Ready to sweat?! On today’s live show we worked out with the amazing Christine Bullock, and talk Fitness and Health Rituals to keep you feeling good!

March 17, 2021

We Gotta Talk… Fitness Rituals

What is climate optimism? Here are the basics, and how it could change the world.

March 9, 2021

What is Climate Optimism? An Interview with Anne Therese, Founder of The Climate Optimist

Five Questions and Fast Facts on Sustainable Living with The Conscious Brunette 1 Define sustainable living, and tell us why the concept appeals to you. To me, sustainable living means doing my best to live more consciously by intentionally shopping & choosing eco-friendly habits to lower my carbon footprint. I love the intention and slow […]

March 8, 2021

5 Questions on Sustainable Living with… Elizabeth Harrington, The Conscious Brunette